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Parents & Friends

'Funds are raised only after friends are raised.' The Parents & Friends Association is guided by this principle as they encourage on-campus involvement from the All Saints community.

ϲ the Association

The Parents & Friends (P&F) Association is an integral part of the All Saints community. It operates under the belief that without the building of a community spirit and the establishment of friendships, little else can be achieved.

The P&F exists to promote the interests of students at the school, foster friendship within the school community and assist in the improvement and maintenance of school facilities. The Association also aims to nurture the essential bonds of communion between parents, teachers and students.

P&F Leadership

Role Name
President Sallyanne McMahon
Vice President David Pearson
Treasurer Vera Todorovic
Assistant Treasurer Jo Robertson
Secretary Renee O'Neill
Assistant Secretary Susan Miller-East
Committee Members
  • Michelle Bosiljevac
  • Belinda Bosse 
  • Stephan Coetser 
  • Carmel Conlin
  • Scott Conlin
  • Craig Duggan (Friends of Music)
  • Mark Foster (Swim Club)
  • Martine Gill
  • Annette Greenhow 
  • Kyron Halleday
  • Katherine Holmes
  • Jodie Ishizaka 
  • Kelli Kingsley
  • Tony Kyle 
  • Nadine Lyndon (Mother’s Day Morning Tea and Rugby Supporters Group)
  • Emma Morehead (Comedy Night)
  • Reta Murphy 
  • Rena Mylordi 
  • Jo Nairn 
  • Jenny Parer (Year Level Coordinators Liaison and P&F Ball)
  • Warwick Parer (P&F Ball) 
  • Lesa Paull 
  • Kathryn Pearson
  • Joanne Robertson
  • Karen Saicich (Mothers Day Morning Tea)
  • Rohit Sharma

P&F supporter groups

The Parents and Friends Association supports many subgroups at All Saints. Currently, they are:

  • The Friends of Music
  • Rugby Supporters' Group
  • Basketball Supporters' Group
  • All Saints Swimming Club
  • Friends of Sustainability
“Without the building of a community spirit and the establishment of friendships, little else can be achieved.”
— Sallyanne McMahon, President